Forewarn: Blog contains personal opinion and experience. Also it contains many errors: grammar, spelling, etc. I will eventually go back and fix what I can.

Also visit, copy and paste this link, VAMOSALAPLAYAENPUERTORICO.WORDPRESS.COM, to follow my journey in Puerto Rico. 

And follow my travels for the upcoming summer after Puerto Rico, I think it will be more of a quote challenge with photography– less of words. Copy and paste link:

And don’t forget to check out the sub-heading for links about food, restaurants, etc.

Enjoy! =)


So I bet you guys think I forgot all about this blog; well, I haven’t. I have been so busy since I have been back on December 16th. It seemed like I have something to do every day and every moment of the day. As soon as I landed in New York, I was swept off my feet and went to Flushing, from there I traveled from Flushing to Brooklyn to Chinatown, whatever the order was– I forgot already. Then I have to fly to Missouri and stay there for couple weeks. Then I have to drive to Alabama and then drive to school. A lot of thens, as you can see. I kept thinking that I should be posting a wrap up conclusion for my experience abroad but things keep happening.

And here comes the conversation starter– things keep happening.

One thing I have noticed since I have been back is that pace of life. In Argentina, I was able to be more carefree and lenient on time. Now that I am back I am constantly put on schedule and pressured to always to do this or that. This week, well I crashed. I was so sick, never has been this sick before– at least, I don’t think. So I’m not saying that I’m having a hard time adjusting back but I’ll say I am definitely not enjoying the workload. I know it’s inevitable but it would be nice if I have a breather, like now. I am able to put everything aside, after my 1 pm- 7 pm dash: I have to catch up and bring myself up to speed in classes because I have missed out so much. So… all in all, one of the most noticeable cultural differences is the idea on time orientation and how we value the quality of time.

One thing that I have regretted most about my trip is the fact that I didn’t get to practice Spanish as much I liked, but in Spanish class back home, I do realize a significant amount of improvement. I’m more courageous to speak out, and my listening skill has improved significantly compared to before.

One of the most important thing that I regret is not getting involved in the community. I think a part of me was too scared to branch out. I don’t know why but I was held back and did not volunteer as I anticipated– another downer.

Change in me:

Well, I keep telling people that I have changed. I have changed a lot, perhaps. I am more open and aggressive, meaning I am able to speak out to what I want or what I believe. I am also more patient than ever before. Use to when something goes wrong within my friend circle or from something that I am doing, I would freak out and let thing go crazier. Now I notice that I am actually calm and collective. I just let the wrong pass by and eventually I was able to right the wrong. Not only am I more patient, but I am now more willing to try new things without pressure or force of friends.

I can honestly tell you that I have become more independent and mature. Most importantly, I have developed a love for Argentina, Uruguay, and TRAVEL.

I like to thank the 20 other folks plus the staff of my program for being part of this experience. We have been through good times and rough times. Let us keep our memories and pass it on.

P.S. Apply for Gilman Scholarship! ( It’s definitely worth your time and investment. I was given the opportunity of a lifetime because of this scholarship.

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